Circles Southern Resource Service, Inc. (Consulting Foresters and Real Estate Brokers)
Southern Resource Service Inc. Logo Picture of trees
Picture of trees


Forest Management Planning:

Successful forest management is a result of carefully planning and analyzing the existing forest resources to develop long and short term goals that will accomplish client objectives. Forest Management Plans are prepared by our staff of experienced professional foresters.

A management plan generally includes an inventory of the existing resources, maps of the various timber stands, soil and site information, estimated cost and revenues, timber stand descriptions and management recommendations for a specific time period. This planning is aimed at meeting client goals through sound forest management while integrating and protecting soil, water, wildlife and timber resources.

Computer-based growth and yield models are used to analyze the economic maturity of the various timber stands, and develop harvest schedules that are best suited for our clients. An important part of Southern Resource Service’s management strategy is maximizing timber and non-timber income.

Timber Sales:

The success of a forest management program is measured at the time the timber is sold. A well managed forest will produce higher quality timber which results in higher prices when sold. Timber sale timing is extremely important, and requires an up to date knowledge of timber markets and trends. We continually monitor these factors to help achieve successful timber sales.

In most situations, our marketing approach includes accurately estimating the volume and value of the timber to be sold, advertising the timber through competitive bids, selling under a firm timber deed or contract designed to protect our clients land and remaining timber, and supervising harvesting operations. Harvesting operations are required to be in compliance with state “Best Management Practices”.

Timber Inventories:

Timber estimates are an important part of our professional services. We regularly estimate the volume and value of timber for management, sales, taxation, trespass, property damages, loans, property divisions, eminent domain proceedings, land acquisition and estate planning purposes. We utilize sound timber cruising techniques and the latest in GPS technology to assure accurate timber estimates.

The inventory is a measure of the amount of timber on a tract and enables you to establish the current value of your timber. It also provides you with the essential information for future decisions.

Wildlife Management:

An important part of Southern Resource Service’s wildlife management strategy is integrating wildlife and timber management. Improving wildlife habitat is done by selective harvesting practices, leaving desirable mast producing species, retaining hardwoods along drainages, prescribe burning, chemical treatments, and regulating the size, shape, and distribution of cutting units. Furthermore, we work to establish and maintain forest openings, and do supplemental planting that improves desirable plant foods for numerous wildlife species.

Investment Analysis:

Investments in timberland or timberland improvement should always be a careful decision. Most timberland investments are long-range due to the nature of the crop and have several critical factors which should be considered. Each investment has its own attributes which are often unique due to the variation in timberland properties and variation in landowner goals. Southern Resource Service uses specialized computer programs and knowledge to evaluate potential investments.

Boundary Line Maintenance:

Boundary Line Maintenance is an important part of forest management that is often given low priority by landowners. Well marked boundary lines make management of the property and forestry practices more efficient, and helps to prevent encroachment and trespass.


Reforestation is the cornerstone of successful forest management. Failure to properly reforest a recently harvested tract of land can be very costly. Following a final harvest, we establish and implement a reforestation plan that is based on sound forestry practices, and aimed at establishing a vigorous forest to meet landowner objectives. We contract with reputable vendors to do the site preparation and tree planting as needed, and monitor their services on site to ensure that their work is of high quality.

Absentee Owner Representation:

It is realized that many landowners live a considerable distance from their property and are unable to supervise the management activities associated with ownership. As resource managers, we assume management responsibility as an agent. We correspond with clients as to their goals and desires, and we represent their interest through managing projects on site.

Growth Studies:

Growth studies are a very important tool in forest management. Accurate growth data can be used to determine the growing conditions of a forest stand which aids in achieving optimal scheduling for forestry practices. Also, with accurate growth data, we can use specialized computer programs to project the timber into the future to determine expected revenues, or discount the stand to the past for appraisal purposes.

Specialized Computer Programs:

In setting up and implementing forest management plans and performing timber estimates, it is imperative to have highly accurate data on which to base decisions. Specialized computer systems allow us to produce accurate data in such things as volume, value and acreage calculations, growth projections, and economic evaluation.

GPS Mapping:

Global positioning system (GPS) technology greatly increases our ability to produce high quality, accurate maps for a variety of forest management applications. This technology allows us to produce accurate acreage for timber volume calculations which translates into more accurate value estimates. In addition, we use GPS equipment to determine acreage estimates for areas to be site prepped and replanted. This assures that the cost for doing these types of activities are more precise. Lastly, it is very important in long range, forest and wildlife management. This GPS technology makes property management more efficient and effective.